Sunday, June 19, 2011

For Father's Day

K constructed a trophy,
complete with Daddy's fave - chocolate-covered peanuts
Tutorial courtesy of KABOOSE.

The man formed and baked this paperweight.
It says "Dad rocks", I wrote the words on paper and he did the rest.
Tutorial found at Crafts By Amanda.

Then, they constructed cards. 
Tutorial for the white card can be found at How About Orange.

Lastly, K sewed this pillow cover.
~ Completely by herself ~
Yes, it's that easy folks!
Oh, I did the ironing because she's a little intimidated by the iron,
but she sewed all of the rest.
Other than that, all I do is double-check measurements and let her roll on. 
from Raechel Myers over at Finding My Feet!

There was artwork, too.
And breakfast.

Happy Father's Day fathers!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

back from the beach

First off, I must apologize for my lack of,
here lately,
but afterall,
we were here...

on vacation.
at North Topsail Beach, NC.

No, not computer-less.

Just relaxing.
With lots of this.

And eating way too much of this.

Four boxes worth to be exact.
~ Only on vacation ~

We had fantastic weather,
so there were lots of these to go around.

We did tons of this.

I got this, one night as the moon was glistening on the water.
From our first floor balcony.
Beautiful, isn't it?

Hands down, this was the most enjoyable vacation we've ever had.

OK, not including our trip last year to Arizona.
That doesn't really count because I'm partial to the old west and the desert.

The beach was quiet.
The condo was oceanfront, cute and clean.
The people were amazing.
The food was deee-licious.
Restaurants and entertainment were within a short drive.
I couldn't have asked for more.

Thank you, Emily S. for our wonderful stay!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Spelling Bee

Three kids were picked from each class.

K and two of her close friends made it in.

Then it was down to business.

This one hung on to make it into the top three.

They ran out of time.
So, there was no final showdown.
It'll be tomorrow morning.


Congratulations ladies!

Saturday marked the official end of soccer season for our girls.

This was one of C's faves.

This game, I tried to photograph my girl, mostly.

'Cuz I have a tendency to stay with the action.

Like this crazy flying high-five.

And as long as the offense is hot,
the defense doesn't see much action.

This had to be my fave.

And just like that, it was all over.
Our girls won the all-star game 4-3.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Houston, we have a baby!

One down, five to go!

friends on Thursday

The man and I went to visit the Science Fair today
and I couldn't resist taking a picture of these cuties.
I'm slightly partial to them.
I would've loved to get a pic of K and all her friends together,
but it was so chaotic that it just wasn't possible.

I'm happy to report progress in the labor & delivery room...

Yep, that's a tiny little hole there.

We're expecting!

Technically, our due date is tomorrow.

But it never hurts to be prepared.

The nursery is ready.

And there's something about the smell of pine shavings that I love.

Now, we wait.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day fun in the sun

Memorial Day found us with weather in 90's.
Humid exhausting heat.
We thought about making plans for the weekend,
but with less than 2 weeks before we head out on vacation,
we decided to stay home and entertain ourselves.

First, there was the sprinkler.

Then, the slip 'n' slide.

And later we had a water balloon toss marathon.
Luckily, this was enough to tide the natives over.


Tuesday night we were here.

And he belted out song after song.

I was so proud.

my lil' Babe Ruth

He lives and breathes baseball.

Tonight was the last game.

He hit a homerun.

But this time, it was just a single.

There was a little prancing.

Then a little dancing.

And finally he rounded third.

Then, the moment he was waiting for. TROPHIES.

Now, he's talking soccer.