Tuesday, August 30, 2011

surprise, surprise!

Grandma loves peanut butter. 

So I found this recipe.

It seemed relatively easy.

Sounded tasty.

So, I'm surprising her today.

It's not her birthay,
although that's coming up.

It's just a "I was thinking of you" pie.

Looks yummy, yes?

I got a little wild with the peanut butter there at the end.

Monday, August 29, 2011

the view from here

As I sit here at my desk, which is normally cluttered and messy, with papers strewn here, there, and everywhere, I cannot love the view more.  My mother, God bless her, gets a cake every year for my birthday - my favorite, no one else here will touch it.  Once in a while, the man will take a bite, but it is solely mine and today, that just tickles me pink.

That, and the fact that there are some special events coming up soon and I'm so excited to do some inviting that I can't stand myself.  I'm praying about this.  Praying it'll all come through and that it'll be a blessing.  ~ Keeping my fingers crossed ~

Sunday, August 28, 2011

up in arms

Soccer was supposed to be yesterday,
but was rescheduled due to the hurricane. 
Which, thanks be to God,
only brought some steady rain and wind,
nothing serious.

It was utterly brutal.

She was livid.

You could tell the way she sulked off the field.

This one ~especially in b&w form~ speaks.

Friday, August 26, 2011


While it lay heavy-laden with dew.
I stood staring,
astonished and unmoving.
Sheer splendor.

Today is my birthday.
So, I decided to come out from behind the camera.

I didn't get all dolled up.
No cute outfit,
no makeup.
I showered.
In preparation of taking the munchkins to school.

I was busy.
Washing clothes, filling the dishwasher.
A mother's chores never end.

So, even though I hate having my picture taken.
I took a few.
In honor of my day.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

prayer by scripture

Note: This is very. long.  But worth it.

I was over at MckMama's place where she's having a rough go of it and it brought to mind our ladies' Bible study last week.  Miss D, who heads up our studies handed out a sheet of paper listing verses.  We were to read through them and pick out one or more that we thought applied to us or was something that we needed to work on.  Then, in our small groups, we prayed for each person by name, reading the scripture(s) she had chosen.  At the top, it read...

"Lord, I pray for my sister, __(insert name)___:
  • That she would not only know You, but honor You and give thanks. (Rom. 1:2)
  • That she would grow strong in her faith as she gives you the glory. (Rom. 4:21)
  • That she would not waver concerning your promises. (Rom. 4:20)
  • That she would not weaken in her faith. (Rom. 4:19)
  • That she would be patient in well-doing. (Rom. 2:7)
  • That her faith would be proclaimed to others. (Rom. 1:8)
  • That you would give her a spirit of revelation in the knowledge of thee. (Eph. 1:17)
  • That the eyes of her heart would be enlightened. (Eph. 1:18)
  • That you would grant her strength with power thru your Spirit in her inner being. (Eph. 3:16)
  • That she would rejoice in her sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame. (Rom.5:3)
  • That sin would not have dominion over her.  (Rom.6:14)
  • That she would remember that nothing can separate her from your love. (Rom. 8:35)
  • That you would give her the desire to do right and the ability to carry it out. (Rom. 7:18)
  • That she would know that there is no condemnation for her in Christ Jesus. (Rom. 8:1)
  • That she would set her mind on the Spirit and have life and peace. (Rom. 8:5)
  • That she would hope for what she does not see and wait for it with patience. (Rom. 8:25)
  • That the Spirit would help her know how to pray.  (Rom. 8:26)
  • That she would remember that all things work together for good to those who are called according to your purposes. (Rom. 8:28)
  • That she would be conformed to the image of Christ. (Rom. 8:29)
  • That she would remember that You are her refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)
  • That she would be reminded that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. (Job 42:1-2)
  • That you would remind her that if You are for her, who can be against her. (Rom. 8:31)

On the back, was the same layout, except it read...

Lord, I pray for my sisters...
  • That we would be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. (Rom. 1:12)
  • That our love would be genuine.  (Rom. 12:9)
  • That we would not pass judgment on one another. (Rom. 14:13)
  • That we would never be a stumbling block or hindrance to another. (Rom. 14:13)
  • That we would pursue what makes for peace and mutual upbuilding. (Rom. 14:19)
  • That thru love we would serve one another. (Rom. 5:13)
  • That we would bear one another's burdens. (Rom. 6:2)
  • That we would outdo one another in showing honor. (Rom. 12:10)
  • That we would be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Eph. 4:3)
  • That if my sister is caught in any transgression, that I would seek to restore her. (Gal. 6:1)
  • That we would speak the truth in love. (Eph. 4:15)
  • That we would grow up in every way. (Eph. 4:15)
  • That, as we have opportunity, we would do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. (Rom. 6:10)
  • That  we would be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil. (Rom. 16:19)
  • That we would not be slothful in zeal, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. (Rom. 12:11)
  • That we would rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and constant in prayer. (Rom. 12:12)
  • That we would contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. (Rom. 12:13)
  • That we would bless those that persecute us. (Rom. 12:14)
  • That we would rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. (Rom. 12:15)
  • That we would live in harmony with one another. (Rom. 12:16)
  • That we would not be haughty and conceited, but willing to associate with the lowly. (Rom. 12:16)
  • That we would not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Rom. 12:21)
  • That we would remember that er are more than conquerors thru Him who loved us. (Rom. 8:37)
  • That we would present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship. (Rom. 12:1)
  • That we would not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Rom. 12:2)
  • That we would KNOW what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Rom. 12:2)
With a little something for everyone, I hope you were able to find a meaningful scripture in there somewhere.  That night, at Bible study, and every time I look at it again, my soul is filled.

Just wanted to share

My big list came from here.  Back when I first got my machine, I signed up to receive their free newsletters.  Every day or so, they send an email with links to free sewing tutorials put together by other bloggers.  The tutorials range from basic beginner stuff to the way advanced. 

Last Friday night, I was glancing through the day's newsletter when I came across this from "Me Sew Crazy".  Immediately, I wanted it and I had to have it!  So, with munchkins snugly in bed, I worked away.  I was determined to get it done before we left early the next morning for the book fair.  I used an elephant print home decor fabric from Joann's and some plain brown quilters cotton for the lining.

Knot Tote, tutorial courtesy of Me Sew Crazy

Then, while catching up online this afternoon, I saw this tutorial over at "Sew Many Ways" and yes, you guessed it...I had to have it!  This tutorial was part of the "Make a Gift on the 25th Club" where Karen from Sew Many Ways is gearing up and helping others get ready for Christmas by making gifts before the last week of Christmas.  What a blessing!

Cell Phone Key Chain Case Tutorial courtesy of Sew Many Ways

I found both these tutorials to be fast, fun and easy!  Perfect gifts for any occasion!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So, I finally sorta got it togetha.  I did some cleaning and straightening, organizing and emailing, but I just can't bring myself to sew.  What is wrong with me?!

Now, as I prep for dinner because we have a hectic evening coming up, I glanced at my inbox and these recipes were staring me down.  While I just received them and have yet to make them, don't they look yum?!...

Photo courtesy of Pillsbury.com

Photo courtesy of Pillsbury.com

Photo courtesy of Pillsbury.com

Mmm, can't wait to try them!

what now?!

The gooberlings are now at school.  I dropped them off, despite C's dismay that it won't hurt them to ride the bus.  Oh we've done that, brother!  Not going down that road again!  Yes, I understand it saves gas, but out of babes' mouths come the worst of things.  Things that I don't want my two birds hearing or knowing anything about at their age!

Now, I told you I had a great long list of things I was gonna do to celebrate being home alone and I was all pumped to do them.  You know it's coming, don't you?  But, I am frozen stiff with the overwhelming realization that my tiny munchkins will be at school ALL. DAY. LONG.  It's harder than I thought.  I'm used to K being gone until 3 during the school year, but the man, he only went 3 half  days to preschool and I was so accustomed to having him here.  Whether he was quietly playing in his room or trying to coerce me into a wrestling match where I would finally give up because he's just way rough and I couldn't take any more, or if I was attempting to complete one of the hundred million things on my agenda and he was interrupting at every step of the way.  I do, I miss them.

Now, I find myself making coffee and buttering bread to console myself.  Maybe then, I will get myself together.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

the day before

Despite other area schools being closed,
we are going!

We received a message from the school board office saying
all the schools have been walked with building inspectors and
everything is fine.


We've made sausage links for breakfasts.

Picked out the week's clothes.

Began the closing ceremonies with baths and Simple White Cake
(recipe courtesy of The Idea Room)
with bought chocolate icing.
~ I didn't have any Cool Whip ~
And a double shot of milk.

Watched just a bit more TV and read a book.

Finally, decided on a meal for breakfast.

Now, they are soundly in bed.

Hopefully not worrying anymore about the earthquake
and the aftershock that was felt as we knelt by the bed saying our prayers.

I've grabbed my charger and thrown in the battery.
Have to be ready ya know.
Morning will be here before you know it
and then, the time will fly by.

Monday, August 22, 2011


We met teachers today and dropped off school supplies.  It's almost time!  I'm feeling jittery just thinking about it.  When K started going to preschool, I would drop her off and tears would fly, but they said she was fine once I left.   Still, it left me with that miserable feeling that sank deep into my bones.  I would go home and feel absolutely wretched!  I was so attached to her and she to me.  I really didn't know what to do with myself!

This man, he's different.  He loves me so, but he's a go-getter.  He's not the type to sit and watch from the sidelines.  Although, every once in a while, he needs an introduction because "I'm too shy, Mommy."  Once the meet and greet is over, it's all business and he plays his heart out.  Not to mention, I have since found things to do with my time and when my two head off to school on Wednesday, I am going to hit the roof I'll be so excited!  Just thinking of the things I'll be able to do without hearing "Mommy!", "Mommy, she's giving me a nasty look!", "Mommy, tell him there's no kicking and punching in wrestling!" every 5 seconds.  This may sound awful, but I am so excited to be able to sew, read, do housework where I can actually fully complete the task at hand without interruption or chaos I just don't know what to do with myself!

Maybe I'm just so ecstatic because my baby is dying to go.  He wanted to know if he could stay there today, in which I had to reply, "No, you'll go in 2 days."  Which then prompted an "Ol' maaaan!"  Over the summer, I have, at times, been sad that my littlest bird is leaving the nest, but he's just so ready and so thrilled.  He wandered around that room today with a sparkle in his eye, just in awe of all the new toys and new space.  He hugged Mrs. R good-bye and couldn't wait to go back.

Don't get me wrong, I will miss my babies, I will, but I am looking forward to some quiet time.  Am I the only one who feels like this?  I don't know, but I will not feel guilty for my new found freedom.  I will use it to the best of my abilities and something grand will come of it, I tell you.  Look!  My sewing list is lofty and I intend to tackle it. 

Not to mention, the baby gift I'm sorta working on.   Let's just say I cut the fabric.   So, there will be no "we interrupt your regularly scheduled program..." for fighting, bickering and name calling, hungry, tired, or needy children.   No sirree, I'll be as happy as a pig in mud!

But on those days when allergies flare up and we haven't gotten a bit of sleep from coughing or we've got a cold, I will cuddle fiercely, bask in the glow of an entire day's worth of TV and make all of the soup, grilled cheese and popsicles I possibly can until I burst.  I will love and dote on those babies with all my might.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

i'm just thankful

We hit the book fair today.
It was opening day.
And we were there when they unlocked the doors.
Because we also had plans for later.
I thought it would be mobbed,
but just the usual crowd.
Although, the longer we stayed the crazier it got.

Luckily, K's much like me,
she can't go more than 3 hours without eating.
Or at least having a snack.
So, at the 2 hour mark,
plus, add on a little over an hour that it took to get there,
she was spent.

This has become our trip.
Just us girls.
The two of us.

Yes, these are old, really old!

I let her spend her own money this time.
The threshold,
not set by me.
Only her.
And I was taken aback by her cautious spending.
She even put a few down,
saying if they were there next time,
she'd get them then.

She kept a running total.
At any given time,
 you could ask "how many do you have?"
Just meaning the number of books.
And she would tell you her running tally in dollars

Surprised me, she did.
I really thought she'd go all out.
And she used a coupon to get $5 off!
This all made me feel alright in the world.
Like I was raisin' this girl to be frugal,
a good steward.

We're even checking into selling the books online that we've read.
I'd like to think of it as kind of recycling.
Sort of.

Me, personally, I finally decided on these...
Chosen Forever is "a memoir of a horse, a book, and finding love" by Susan Richards.  I read her previous book, "Chosen By a Horse" and it was fantastic!  So, I can't wait to get into this one.

The Ten-Year Nap just sounded familiar, "the past decade has been defined largely by marriage and motherhood, but it wasn't always that."  I usually try to research the books on the preview page and while there were quite a few that had great reviews, they just didn't appeal to me, but this was one that wasn't previewed and it has mixed reviews, equally good and bad.  We'll see how it goes.

The Silent Gift, I found in the Christian Fiction and it just sounded interesting.  While I could've taken home quite a few from here and believe me, the lady standing next to me kept telling me this and that and this was great too.  She wasn't helping any, just made selecting one too difficult, but at least I know of some good reads I'll look for next go round.

My Book of Devotions about Obedience - A Guide for Parents & Kids was something I'd had my eye out for.  Just so happens, I found it discarded in the wrong section and it was meant to be, so I scooped it up!

Now, I couldn't forget the man, so I picked up 2 of the series that we have all come to know and love!  Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble and Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones.  As soon as we arrived, he exclaimed that I had to read these to him!  And then, he listened to the CD where Judy Schachner reads the story.

Later, we headed out to see a free showing of Dumbo and spend our Kohl's cash because it was the last day to use it!  K even splurged on these, using her own money again.  My argument being "you have enough shoes for 3 kids".  She'd been wanting them for some time since she adores the ones her cousin has.  In her defense, they were on clearance (cheaper than the price online even), and with 15% off coupon in hand, I put them on my card so she could get an even better discount and she paid me back when we got home.  I got the man a pair of dress shoes for when the cool weather ushers in for $6.81!  It was a good day for shopping!

The evening, mixed with fatigue and hunger, was trying my nerves.  It all ended well when I got a text from my SIL saying to call if we were still up.  It was C's nephew's birthday and since they live a good distance away, we don't see them as often as we'd like.  We had called earlier to wish him a happy birthday, but had to leave a message.  Being the only one up, I hit send and I was happy to ask the details of his special day while I sat alone in the living room, soaking in the conversation in the hushed stillness of the house.  I was excited to hear about his special gift and how he'd occupied his day, the upcoming party he was having and the woes of having an older sister.  We talked about his chickens, how they were starting to lay, and the excitement of getting eggs.  Things all too familiar, effortless to talk about really.  Nonetheless, it was good to hear their voices and the whole manner of it all eased me into a pleasant mood.

I am thankful for the little things today.  Time spent bonding with my daughter, time as a family, savings, and the simple, sweet conversations had with innocent youth.  Sometimes, the best things in life are free (and then some are discounted.)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

the man

These eyes speak volumes to me.
With the little freckle that comfortably sits next to his cute little nose.
This tiny boy whose mind works like no other, amazes us every single day.

We went shopping today for lunch box groceries.
He took the money that he's made from doing chores.
And bought a Hot Wheels.
Which he will carry everywhere he goes for days.

We also got this.
We've had these types of cds before,
but none that contained all of his favorites from Awana.
It was a must-have.
He sang and sang along.
It's on now.

It's hard to believe.
This time next week, I'll be home all alone.

Monday, August 15, 2011

a little monkey business

School looms over our heads.  We're squeezing in last minute play dates and sleepovers while summer vacation swiftly winds down.  Miss P is gracing us with her silliness today, tonight and tomorrow.  She's really come out of her shell since kindergarten and I love it.  She's my kind of silly!

We've had a few thunderstorms this past weekend and continuing through the week.  Last night's storm split one of our trees in half, although it had been hit once before.  So, we went out to assess the damage while the girls monkeyed around...

Friday, August 12, 2011

jam and biscuits

You know the best and worst thing about canning your own jams?
They always taste better than store-bought and are readily available in your basement.

We're on jar #3 of mulberry and I'm solely devouring jar #1 of blackberry.

You know the best thing about making biscuits slightly bigger than a silver dollar?
You'll soon forget how many you've eaten and won't feel one bit guilty about it.

I lost track last night, but my waistline won't lie.
It's screaming "Enough, enough already!  Drop the bread, lady!"