Thursday, August 29, 2013
ma' plate's full
There are but mere minutes before the crew of 5 arrive to hang out for a bit whilst their mother accomplishes needed shopping for a large yearly fundraiser. I've let my two sleep in. School will start on Tuesday and they've been up early in training for our new schedule.
My plate feels quite full but, I am managing to keep the butterflies and craziness from creeping in. Taking each day as it comes and checking off tasks here and there.
It's funny how God steps in, taking over and orchestrating things as he sees fit. For instance, I felt that house cleaning had taken a back seat and I'd fallen behind on my cleaning duties. Yesterday after breakfast, I received word that the appraiser would be coming at 3:00. I was already in cleaning mode but, I rallied the troops, gave them the pep talk and we combed the place, having it almost completely finished by 11am. I didn't worry about what lay undone. I took Miss K + 3 to Spanish, purchased a used book shelf, caught up with friends and after lunch, we resumed. It was all done before Mr. Appraiser arrived, with time to spare.
Homeschool stuff is just about ready and it's not the lingering book or two that has yet to arrive that worries me. No, it's the calendar. My weekly schedule does not have each block filled in. I know what we're doing and some of it lays empty because the books have just arrived but, I yearn to see things on paper. To have a guide, even if it's not set. in. stone. Plus, there's just the fear of the unknown. Remember, we're new to this but, I'm high on the homeschooling roller coaster!
Groceries. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day. I've finally figured out the menu for the month and the long list of rations we'll need to make it through. Now, just to do it! Check that one off.
Tomorrow's the first day of the Fall Festival. This is a big deal. Our church's ladies' group puts on a bake sale for the Fall Festival and it's their only fundraiser for the entire year. Since, it's the end of the month and I have yet to get groceries, well, I have yet to start my baking.
Then, there's the ladies' retreat in mid-September. We have a lot of, lot of things going on and then, there's my cousin's wedding in October. So, I wish I could but, ladies, I won't be there for the retreat. I know Miss D always thinks I'm gonna surprise her and show up, and one of these days I will. Anyway, I have special gifts to make for the guest speakers but, here, all my fabric lay.
It makes me anxious. The date is quickly approaching and this stuff needs get done and shipped by mid-month. I'll get to it after the weekend. And as soon as homeschool is under control. Eek! The world is closing on me!
There is so much more...benches to polyurethane, a desk that needs to be refinished, a book shelf to sand and paint, drawers to line, etc. etc. You get the point. So many things. Too much to write. They will all be accomplished. In good time. But that doesn't change the fact that they are on my plate. And the plate's feelin' full y'all.
Now to get to some of my list...
Fall Festival,
ma' plate's full,
the W's
Monday, August 19, 2013
There's lots on my agenda today. Tonight's the third Monday meal at church and I have brownies, a cake, 4 dozen rolls and a cheesy potato casserole to make. This morning, I got up after I just couldn't take it anymore. Daisy whined for an hour and I was determined that I was not going to give in to this morning ritual that starts right after Handsome Husband leaves. She was not going to control me. There are days when I wish we had no animals. Whatsoever. I'm feeling grumpy from head to toe.
More homeschool books should arrive today and I'm praying that they all get here before our actual start date which is currently unknown. I thought maybe we could start when public school started here but, I'm not sure that it's possible to start without your books and such. Looking like it'll be after Labor Day which makes me a little frantic because that just seems like centuries away and not "normal".
I like normal. I like boring. I like routine. Have I ever mentioned that? Yes, I live a fantastic mundane life. No worries. I like it that way. So, when the rest of the world is starting school towards the end of August, I want to too. I'll get over it, sooner or later. I do worry though, that our children will hate homeschool. With a passion. And I worry that I will hate homeschool. With a passion.
Worries aside, I am determined that we will not hate homeschool. Determined.
More homeschool books should arrive today and I'm praying that they all get here before our actual start date which is currently unknown. I thought maybe we could start when public school started here but, I'm not sure that it's possible to start without your books and such. Looking like it'll be after Labor Day which makes me a little frantic because that just seems like centuries away and not "normal".
I like normal. I like boring. I like routine. Have I ever mentioned that? Yes, I live a fantastic mundane life. No worries. I like it that way. So, when the rest of the world is starting school towards the end of August, I want to too. I'll get over it, sooner or later. I do worry though, that our children will hate homeschool. With a passion. And I worry that I will hate homeschool. With a passion.
Worries aside, I am determined that we will not hate homeschool. Determined.
American Bulldog,
dirt bike,
Handsome Husband,
the man
Friday, August 16, 2013
just a few things on friday...
The weather couldn't be any better. For the last week, we've had our windows open and it's been in the 70's. Maybe for once, just once, this feels like God's country.
I sit quietly at this desk inside of our breezy, warm kitchen. Everything is peaceful and pleasant but, just an hour ago, the kitchen was booming with 8 small mouths to feed, chatter and laughter flowing in every direction around a nine foot table.
Last night, we hosted half the W brood while the Mr. & Mrs. went on a little getaway and it's quite a time when they're here. Legos, ships, cars, cards, and girl talk can be found all over the house. We enjoy these times when kick-the-can lasts forever, freeze pops flow abundantly from the fridge as the night closes in and dirty little toes scurry towards the bathtub at dusk.
Miss K and the man headed over to the neighbors after the lunch flurry was over and everyone'd gone home. The neighbors cat had kittens and it's the talk of the neighborhood. Luckily, the neighborhood kids play well together and they've spent plenty of time holding these tiny mewing babes as they first begin to open their eyes.
There's a trickle of homeschool materials slowly arriving and we're so excited to open packages, scour through and place them lovingly on a shelf until time to actually use them! This new adventure is finally becoming more and more of a reality. Fear has up and left (least for now) and thrill sinks into our hearts and minds. I have a couple more books to order but, other than that, we're ready. Miss K is also signed up to take Spanish at a local Christian school, allowing her to participate in sports there.
Anyone looking for Miss K, please note her electronic privileges have been taken but she'll be back on soon. Oh, and P, I totally forgot to send you vacations photos! Loading them now! I didn't pull out my camera til the end of the week, so there aren't many photos but, here're a couple of my favorites...
Have a great weekend!
I sit quietly at this desk inside of our breezy, warm kitchen. Everything is peaceful and pleasant but, just an hour ago, the kitchen was booming with 8 small mouths to feed, chatter and laughter flowing in every direction around a nine foot table.
Last night, we hosted half the W brood while the Mr. & Mrs. went on a little getaway and it's quite a time when they're here. Legos, ships, cars, cards, and girl talk can be found all over the house. We enjoy these times when kick-the-can lasts forever, freeze pops flow abundantly from the fridge as the night closes in and dirty little toes scurry towards the bathtub at dusk.
Miss K and the man headed over to the neighbors after the lunch flurry was over and everyone'd gone home. The neighbors cat had kittens and it's the talk of the neighborhood. Luckily, the neighborhood kids play well together and they've spent plenty of time holding these tiny mewing babes as they first begin to open their eyes.
There's a trickle of homeschool materials slowly arriving and we're so excited to open packages, scour through and place them lovingly on a shelf until time to actually use them! This new adventure is finally becoming more and more of a reality. Fear has up and left (least for now) and thrill sinks into our hearts and minds. I have a couple more books to order but, other than that, we're ready. Miss K is also signed up to take Spanish at a local Christian school, allowing her to participate in sports there.
Anyone looking for Miss K, please note her electronic privileges have been taken but she'll be back on soon. Oh, and P, I totally forgot to send you vacations photos! Loading them now! I didn't pull out my camera til the end of the week, so there aren't many photos but, here're a couple of my favorites...
Have a great weekend!
Holden Beach,
homeschool materials,
Miss K,
Miss P,
the man,
the W's
Monday, August 12, 2013
ya thunk i'd up & left, did ya?
With that being said, I'll try to pack in as many photos as possible because you know how I love a photo-filled post. wink wink.
So, when I mentioned homeschool did you shake your head in disbelief? I've ridden a roller coaster of emotions for the last 3 months - complete terror, peace, and brain-riddling confusion. I've always said I wasn't the homeschooling type but, to sacrifice for the greater good, I. AM. HOMESCHOOLING. There, I said it! It's been the range of curricula that has sent my head spinning. So much to choose from, so many different avenues.
Ever watch "Children of the Corn"? Sorry, I had to.
Don't try that at home! Ya can't tell dangerous non-helmet wearin' boys nothin'!
After visiting with a friend and seeing her homeschooling "library", hearing her homeschooling stories and encouragement I felt better. She's seen it all and done it all. Well, almost! Friend gave me direction and the kids were able to look through and get a feel for the materials they had to choose from. Yes, homeschool is about choice. A blessing and a curse if you ask me...because I'm indecisive.
I learned some things, Miss K is happiest with classical style learning...here's the lesson; the work; do it. She's very independent and creative. I can't wait to see how this year goes for her. The man, oh the man. I worry about this guy. He's bull-headed and he's going through a whining phase. Did I mention he's got me wrapped around his finger? It's true. He's the one I might lose sleep over. Such is life.
So, I never finished our Summer Tour series. I have more pictures (not as many as I wish I had) but I'll get to it. Slowly but surely. Just a little caught up in the thick of things right now. Who ever said "summer is for relaxing" was crazy! Our summer has been a flurry of kids in and out of the house; up and down the roads we go, burnin' rubber; trying lots of new recipes; soaking up rays by the pool and finding inexpensive summer fun. It's been good, it's been fun but, I'll be glad when we find our groove and settle in to a new routine.
We were sooooo excited to host some visitors last week. Some our best friends from home were here. And although their stay was way too short and hindered by an out-of-the-blue migraine, we made the best of it. Kids romped all over the yard and into the cornfields. (Yes, a lecture followed on how unsafe that is. Luckily, bigger kids teamed up and looked out for the littles and everyone came home safely.) We ate like kings and queens, making a breakfast feast of homemade waffles with caramel syrup and local maple syrup, sausage, breafas luvin' muffins, and tons of fruit. Poor Thelma could barely eat due to her aching head but, we ended on a high note Wednesday night with Uncle T's famous ribs. The next day, we followed them south to the third leg of their trip. That's where we had the opportunity to take the girls and do a little before school shopping at the outlet mall. Woohoo, yay for a girls day and the perfect way to end our time together!
No, the man did not go shopping! He seems to be somewhat of a mama's boy and he wanted to ride with the girls, while Thelma drove her car with the rest of the boys.
Fall promises more visitors and we're gearing up for them as well. Lord I pray, by then, we'll have a routine down and they'll all get to see more of the kids since they won't be "away" at school. There's also an opportunity to help out with the ladies retreat back home. Miss Debbie and I laughed about my title of "emeritus" to their creative group since moving. That's OK, I'm excited to get to work on their project soon.
Alright, it's late and I just wanted to pop in, say I'm still here and I'll see ya around.
Children of the Corn,
dirt bike,
Handsome Husband,
Miss K,
no helmets,
the man,
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