Friday, September 28, 2012

the man turns 6

I went to wake up my sleeping babes this morning and realized in an instant that it was the man's birthday.  Yep, he turned SIX today!  For fun, I asked him if he felt older.  With a wrinkled forehead, he looked at me and replied, "No."  He's so serious like his father.  He told me he wanted to go back to Virginia today.  He knows his Nana's promised to take him shopping for his bday.  He couldn't pinpoint anything when asked what he wanted.  So, she assured him she'd take him on a little shopping trip.  Now, that's all that he thinks about.

I use the excuse that we're displaced for a lot of things.  This would be one.  We haven't planned anything big.  We don't have the room here to invite all of our friends and so, we're playing it by ear this weekend.  When asked what kind of cupcakes he wanted me to bring for his class today, he kindly explained that he didn't want cupcakes.  He wanted chocolate and vanilla pudding with Cool whip and crushed oreos and vanilla wafers.  So, per his request, I whipped everything up this morning and it all patiently waits in the fridge.

We've watched this little boy grow and become more and more independent.  He still sleeps in that exact same position.  He's a fierce competitor, self-proclaimed shy boy (but really, he's not), loves waffles and pancakes and anything breakfast-y.  He never tires of chicken sandwiches or chicken patties (uck!)  He's adventurous and wild.  He still screams like a little girl.  He's a hardcore wrestler.  He'd buy a Hot Wheels or Matchbox car every day if you let him.  Money burns holes in this boy's pockets!  He loves him some mama snuggles.  He tells his friends he's a break dancer.  No joke y'all.  He does have rhythm, that's for sure.  He quit sucking his thumb, only after we duck-taped it for weeks on end.  He reads like it's nobody's business.  He is always an accident waiting to happen.  He has more cuts and bruises than you've ever seen, although the knots on his head have been gone for quite some time now.  He loves to take pictures of random, a belt, a chair.  He rides his bike with wreckless abandon at high rates of speed and crashes regularly but, he always gets back on the horse.  He wants to be an airplane pilot and a train conductor when he grows up.  He loves his friends and shares easily with them.  He is sweet and always thanks God for the simple things..."thank you for our pillows so our heads don't have to lay flat and for our beds and a warm place to live."  This list could go on and on.

Simply put...He is special.

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