Saturday, September 29, 2012

ode to Martha

I just saw the comment you left under me and Brett Brett and I.  Can I tell you something?  I love that you embrace my "Becky Homecky" side.  I love it that I can tell you creative ideas I've run across and we can talk about homemade this and homemade that and sewing and cooking and you are all in, sister.

Once upon a time long, long ago before the man was born, I was known, by my boss, as Martha.  As in Martha Stewart.  I am as the Mister would say, a "jack of all trades, master of none".  It's true, I'm capable of doing plenty but, cooking is where I feel I stand out most.  I'm more "Betty", as in Betty Crocker.  The kitchen's where I'm at home.  It's where I live to be more than any other place in the world.  I have outlets like sewing and crafts and such, but it's the kitchen that calls my name.  For me, it's warm and fuzzy there.

And so you, my friend are Martha.  You are so home decor, so sew, so crafty, and so Betty.  You are well rounded, friend. 

I love it that we embrace the homemade, do-it-yourself, handcrafted side of each other and that I don't feel like a total homely nerd when I'm with you.  No, that doesn't mean you're a homely nerd either.  Cuz you've also got style.  No, you're the coolest!

Thanks for being my totally crafty, uber-talented friend, Martha.  Can't wait to see you and your latest creations soon!  Hope you're enjoying the same exquisite moon we're seeing tonight!

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