Friday, July 13, 2012

this almost-claustrophobic, box-filled house

Afternoon turned into frustration as we continued to pack.  Miss K white-knuckling every. little. thing. until I finally gave up in exasperation, telling her to take a break.  Lord knows, I needed that break more than she did.  She'd been fighting me tooth and nail to keep every school project, every handcrafted artwork, every paper.  It was exhausting and every time I glanced left, then right, it all just seemed like a whirlwind of chaos.

Mother Teresa called and it wasn't a moment too soon.  She was child-less and had an hour to spare.  She was headed our way, thankyouJesus.  She stepped right in and heavens-to-Betsy, we had 3 more boxes packed!  Then, Mother Teresa had an errand to run and asked Miss K to tag along, so off they went.  The man ran outside to play one last long time before it got dark and I wrapped and packed all the pictures from the hall and some from the living room.

In the meantime, Nana called.  She was house sitting and that always calls for a house party, Littles style.  So, off they went to sleep over.  Thank goodness it was at someone else's house tonight because last night we hosted two chicks for a total of three and they must've left their library voices at home.  And Miss K must've thrown hers out the window.  At midnight, they decided it was time for a snack of bagels and ice cream.  These hormonal gals are crazy I say.  It was almost 12:30 and they were like a flock of hens, still cackling away.  I guess they finally settled down but honestly, I was too tired to know the difference.  I was out like Shout!  I love them to death but, boy, I was exhausted.

This morning I woke up to sleeping bags and pillows in total disarray.  Two were using blankets and not even in the bags and one didn't have a pillow at all.  I finally decided to wake them up at 10.  Slowly, they ate and got ready.  So tonight, I am never so glad to be alone in this almost-claustrophobic, box-filled house.  This week's been busy, good, but busy and I'm in need of this peace and quiet.  Hope your weekend finds a little peace and a little quiet too.

Thanks for hanging with us Miss B from Tennessee and Double-A from VA!

1 comment:

  1. So I don't know if you remember BUT I will totally come help you pack if you need any help!!! Don't hesitate to ask!!!!!!! Plus I'd REALLY like to hang out with you!!!!!! So calllllll meeeeee!!!!!!!

