Wednesday, June 6, 2012 plug

Perhaps you don't her yet, but Mary Coleman is an extremely gifted speaker and mentor.  My advice to you, know her.  Mary and her husband have seven children and so, she knows a thing or two about being a wife and mother. More than that she knows the Lord and understands the true meaning of being a "child of God."

A while back, I was struggling in every area of my life, I thought I needed to find myself but, that was entirely untrue. For what felt like an eternity, I'd made wrong choices and so, it was never about finding myself - the key was to recreate myself. The Lord changed my heart completely and led me to a new life.  Then, he (and an outstanding friend) led me to Mary's study, "Foundations of a Christian Home".  While Mary may or may not know it, that study fueled my fire for the Lord, pushed and challenged me to new levels and I would never be the same.  I will be forever grateful to her for her words of wisdom.

"Conquering The Guilt of Motherhood" is another of her infamous studies and I was privileged to attend her class in April.  This was an amazing time spent with other women having guilt in all different areas of life.  We anonymously discussed these issues of guilt and whether they were struggles of actual sin or perfectionism (i.e. Everyone should have a spotless house, no matter how many or how old your children are - Is this realistic?  So, is it a sin or perfectionism?, etc.)

I opened my email this morning and from the screen leapt the name, Mary Coleman.  While the subject, "In the Trenches with Toddlers!", didn't directly apply to me, I quickly clicked on it to read what Mary'd written.  Low and behold, another topic that touches every mother - the battle of the mind.  Mary was addressing the struggle that mothers go through daily: feeling insecure, underpaid and so on.  Again, Mary had wise words to soothe the mind and calm the soul.

I can't say enough about Mary.  Really, I can't.  My suggestion for you, take one of Mary's "Mom School" classes!  Why?

1.  Because you deserve it!  Mom's have a hard job!  So, enjoy a night out!
2.  Fellowship with other ladies and bring a friend!
3.  Mary's an awesome cook and she serves great food!
4.  Spend time in God's word!  You'll leave holding your head higher and with a bounce in your step.  You'll come away seeing life and the love of our Lord in a whole new light.

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