Saturday, June 1, 2013

six on saturday

1.  We've had storms here all week and yes, it's been crrrraaaazy!  On the other hand, the corn has taken off...(and so has our garden!)

2.  Handsome Husband found two bird eggs today.  One in the garden.  One along the edge of the pines.  I carried this one around for quite a while.  What for?  I'll never know.  And yes, that's a nasty cut I have there, huh?  Eeew.

3.  We I pulled weeds in 12 rows of strawberries.  The man did more talking and playing with bugs, spiders and worms than anything.  Miss K came at the end to help with a couple rows.
4.  Handsome Husband put temporary caging around our squash, cabbage and lettuce to keep out the bunnies.  I opted for all-the-way-around perimeter fencing to keep out the dogs, bunnies, squirrels, what-have-you, but he said no.  I still like my idea better.
5.  We have potatoes folks.  Seven glorious rows.  SEVEN.
6.  I'm reading this.  It's not inspiring, spiritual, or non-fiction.  I needed a summer read that wasn't serious.  This one's ok.  (I picked it up for a quarter at a thrift shop.)  It shares stories about many different couples, situations, and how they all come together in a beach house in Nantucket where one lady is threatening to lose said house and so she decides to rent out rooms.  The stories are eh...a married man who figures out he's gay; a guy who starts a romance with his boss - whose married; a woman whose husband cheated on her and so she divorces him.  See what I mean?  Not exactly what I was looking for or thought it'd turn out to be but, we'll see how it ends.

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