Monday, August 19, 2013


There's lots on my agenda today.  Tonight's the third Monday meal at church and I have brownies, a cake, 4 dozen rolls and a cheesy potato casserole to make.  This morning, I got up after I just couldn't take it anymore.  Daisy whined for an hour and I was determined that I was not going to give in to this morning ritual that starts right after Handsome Husband leaves.  She was not going to control me.  There are days when I wish we had no animals.  Whatsoever.  I'm feeling grumpy from head to toe.

More homeschool books should arrive today and I'm praying that they all get here before our actual start date which is currently unknown.  I thought maybe we could start when public school started here but, I'm not sure that it's possible to start without your books and such.  Looking like it'll be after Labor Day which makes me a little frantic because that just seems like centuries away and not "normal".

I like normal.  I like boring.  I like routine.  Have I ever mentioned that?  Yes, I live a fantastic mundane life.  No worries.  I like it that way.  So, when the rest of the world is starting school towards the end of August, I want to too.  I'll get over it, sooner or later.  I do worry though, that our children will hate homeschool. With a passion.  And I worry that I will hate homeschool.  With a passion.  

Worries aside, I am determined that we will not hate homeschool.  Determined.

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