Wednesday, August 15, 2012

in the face of sorrow again

It's the middle of the week.  My life has been shaken up for the second time with the death of a loved one and sadly, I sit here in Illinois helpless.  I wish I were at home to comfort my mom.  To use her sorrow as a good excuse for long days sipping coffee and getting absolutely nothing at all done.  Watching movies, talking, snacking, playing Boggle, relaxing in lawn chairs while kids and puppies romp in the rays of the sun. 

I wish I could be with my aunt and cousins.  It's times like these that bond people and bring them together.  To remember, to laugh and to cry.  To tell the stories that make you cry laughing.  No, I cannot change this.  So, I wash clothes.  Think about dinner.  Think, being the key word there.  Continually add to the grocery list.  Life goes on here.  People call and text to say they're sorry.  And I am thankful for them.  I know my mom is right.  The Lord blessed him in his passing.  MS can no longer hold him down, but it doesn't change the fact that he'll be missed.  My love goes out to my family who I cannot cry with, cannot hug, cannot comfort.  My thoughts and prayers are truly with you.  I'm missing you all.

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