Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure 2011

You know how much I love promoting the 3-Day...The registration fee is regularly $90.  Well, the $35 discount will expire on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd (code is CURE2011).  You have 2 weeks from today!  I encourage you, if you're interested, SIGN UP!!  You won't regret it, I promise you that!

OK, OK, I'll answer your questions...
Q:  Are you miserable sleeping in a 6.5'x6.5' tent?
A:  Well, no.  It's only for two nights, it's for a good cause and you get to shower!  (Look, I've been camping when I haven't been able to take a shower in two nights and it is not a good feeling.)  You'll have a tentmate of your choice.  If you bring an air mattress, a warm sleeping bag, some sweatpants, a long sleeve shirt, thick socks and a stockin' cap - then you're fine!  Also, the 3-Day is being moved back a week in 2011, (it's usually the first week in October) so maybe it won't be so cold.  You have to take into consideration that to me, it's warm when the temperature gets to 80 degrees.  I've survived 2 years in a row anyway, you can handle it!

Q: What's the weather usually like?
A: It's about cool at night (40-50 degrees), but the days are warm.  Warm enough to wear shorts and t-shirts.  It's layering weather.  So, it's very pleasant - unless it's raining, of course.  (I am miserable in the rain, it does serious damage to my hair!)

Q:  Is the water warm in the shower trailer when 2,300 people are using it?
A:  Why, yes, yes, it is.  It's actually HOT!  This past year, we had to keep turning the hot water down because it was getting too warm.  I'm not kidding you at all. 

Q:  OK, so you love food.  What do they have to eat there?
A:  In 2010, the menu one night was...steak, potatoes, green beans, a roll, and apple pie!  Does that tell you enough?  They're not skimpy on the portions either.  Along with your regular meals, they provide snacks and drinks throughout the day, too.

Q:  So you're only allowed to take 35 lbs. in your bag, how do you do it?
A:  You don't.  The Gear & Tent crew know it too.  There's no way that I can pack clothes, dress-up stuff, two pairs of shoes + flip flops, my air mattress, pump, sleeping bag and compact pillow, toiletries, etc. and keep it under 35 lbs.

Q:  Is the 3-Day really all that much fun?
A:  You bet your britches it is!  We have a BLAST!  It's like an all weekend party!  Music, dancing, TONS of food (and you know how I love food!), cheering and smiles!  You come home on a high and it's kind of depressing when you get back and there's no one to cheer you on.

Send me your questions, I'd love to hear from you!

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