Saturday, March 31, 2012

first Saturday soccer

I know you're missing this.  Every bit of it.  The practices.  The games.  The encouragement.  The criticism.  I know we're both looking at the bigger picture.  And that's good.  But, I'm sorry.  That it's this way.  That you can't be here.  Don't fret.  It's temporary. 

And I know what you'd say.  "Don't worry about posting them, go to bed, it's late."  How easily you forget.  Tomorrow's Sunday, silly.  Our day of rest.  The Easter Story is being told by Miss L, therefore none of the leaders need a lesson for Awana.  So these are for you...

And I apologize, they aren't the best.  I wasn't on my "A-game" or in "photographer mode", but they'll suffice.

This girl was serious.

She was fast.  And she was on fire.
They all were.
Their dynamic was DYNO-MITE!

I don't know how this happened,
but it did and personally,
I thought it was a bit comical.

It went waaaaay up and then,
it came straight back down to her.

And there's that elbow she's famous for. 
She may be small, but she had bigger heart.
Our girls didn't hesitate for a second,
they never backed down.

She was in it to win it.
They all were.
And they did.

This was right before the tumble.

And then, she flipped, end to end.
Landing in a sobbing, heap of pain.
Which then, led us here.
But you already know that story.

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